Source code for pymls.utils.yaml_loader

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf8 -*-
# This file is part of pymls, a software distributed under the MIT license.
# For any question, please contact one of the authors cited below.
# Copyright (c) 2017
# 	Olivier Dazel <>
# 	Mathieu Gaborit <>
# 	Peter Göransson <>
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
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# copies or substantial portions of the Software.

import yaml

from mediapack.utils import from_yaml
from ..solver import Solver
from pymls.backing import rigid, transmission

[docs]class YamlLoader(object): """ Load a multilayer definition from a yaml file """ EXPECTED_FIELDS = { 'materials': { 'type': [dict, dict], 'item_keys': ['source'], }, 'multilayer': { 'type': [list, dict], 'item_keys': ['medium', 'thickness'] }, 'analysis': { 'type': [list, dict], 'item_keys': ['type', 'values', 'start', 'end', 'step'], }, 'backing': { 'type': [str] } } KEYS_ANALYSIS = { 'frequency': ['type', 'value'], 'range': ['type', 'start', 'end', 'step'], } MAP_BACKING = { 'rigid': rigid, 'transmission': transmission } def __init__(self): self.loaded_yaml = None
[docs] def from_file(self, filename): with open(filename) as fh: self.loaded_yaml = yaml.load(fh) self.extract_from_yaml()
[docs] def extract_from_yaml(self, yaml=None): if yaml is not None: self.yaml = yaml else: if self.yaml is None: raise ValueError("Empty yaml or no yaml given") if self.yaml_is_valid(): self.parse_yaml() else: raise ValueError('Provided yaml does not comply with expected format')
[docs] def yaml_is_valid(self): expected_keys = set(self.__class__.EXPECTED_FIELDS.keys()) yaml_keys = set(self.loaded_yaml.keys()) if not expected_keys == yaml_keys: raise ValueError('Invalid set of keys in definitions') for primary_k, primary_v in self.loaded_yaml.items(): if not type(primary_v) == self.__class__.EXPECTED_FIELDS[primary_k]['type'][0]: raise ValueError('Invalid data type in definition of {}'.format(primary_k)) if type(primary_v) == str: continue get = lambda _: primary_v.get(_) if self.__class__.EXPECTED_FIELDS[primary_k]['type'][0] == dict else lambda _: _ # noqa: E731 for item in primary_v: if not type(get(item)) == self.__class__.EXPECTED_FIELDS[primary_k]['type'][1]: raise ValueError('Invalid data type in definition of {}'.format(primary_k)) expected_keys = set(self.__class__.EXPECTED_FIELDS[primary_k]['item_keys']) yaml_keys = set(get(item).keys()) if not yaml_keys-expected_keys == set(): raise ValueError('Invalid set of keys in definitions') return True
[docs] def parse_yaml(self): solver = Solver() # parse materials TODO: try/except for m, def_ in self.loaded_yaml['materials'].items(): medium = from_yaml(def_['source'])[m] = medium solver.media_keys.append(medium) # parse layers for i_l, l in enumerate(self.loaded_yaml['multilayer']): # Check that layer's definition is correct msg = 'Bad layer definition in layer {}'.format(i_l) error = False if l.get('thickness') < 0: msg += "thickness must be >= 0" error = True if l['medium'] not in solver.media_keys: if error: msg += " & " msg += "media not found" error = True if error: raise ValueError(msg) else: solver.layers.append(l) # parse backing specification backing_func = self.__class__.MAP_BACKING.get(self.loaded_yaml['backing']) if backing_func is None: raise ValueError('Unknown backing type {}'.format(self.loaded_yaml['backing'])) else: solver.backing = backing_func # parse analysis definitions for i_a, a in enumerate(self.loaded_yaml['analysis']): # check for a valid set of keys for typ, expected_keys in self.__class__.KEYS_ANALYSIS: if a['type'] == typ and set(a.keys) != set(expected_keys): raise ValueError('Bad analysis definition for analysis {}'.format(i_a)) else: solver.analysis.append(a)